Asset Class Solutions
Our equity portfolios aim to deliver long-term returns that exceed their benchmark through disciplined bottom up stock selection. We offer a range of strategies across the risk/return spectrum designed to meet a broad range of investor needs, employing two distinct, yet complementary investment approaches – Behavioural Finance and Research driven analysis.
Our Approach to Behavioral finance
We believe that attractively valued high-quality shares with positive momentum outperform the market due to pricing anomalies caused by persistent and identifiable investor behavioral biases. We select individual shares that have one or more of the Value, Quality and Momentum characteristics. This combination in a single portfolio can increase the likelihood of outperformance on a more consistent basis through different market cycles and over the long-term.
Our Approach to Research Driven analysis
Our research analysts seek to identify attractive shares based upon three drivers of price – intrinsic value, quality and catalyst. This creates an information advantage giving us the potential to deliver strong investment results for our clients.
Private equity
We believe that successful private equity investing involves having access to best in class investment opportunities and managers; conducting objective, rigorous and thoughtful due diligence and making disciplined investment decisions that consistently generate attractive returns over time
Fixed income (corporate debt, government securities, money market investments)
Our fixed income strategies seek to capitalize all sources of fixed income return by allocating across the fixed income spectrum to provide long-term absolute return where required. Our absolute return methodology is based on a disciplined, relative value oriented, risk-controlled process. We seek to maximize total return by primarily investing in high quality debt securities across multiple sectors. When investing in government securities, we aim to provide low volatility and low risk returns.
Our solutions also look at liability funding profiles, financial objectives and risk tolerances.
We use a combination of fundamental bottom-up research, relative value analysis and technical factors to identify opportunities.
Unlike traditional investments, property comprises of tangible assets – office buildings, warehouses, malls etc. We deploy our highly specialized skills and dedicated professionals to maximize the returns on investments. We have functional expertise as well as deep experience in portfolio management, acquisitions, asset management, accounting, sale and leasebacks, dispositions, appraisal and valuation. We look to offer consistent, sustainable yields and growth.